FXXโs Archer is an original animated, half-hour comedy that, in its tenth season, follows Sterling Archer, Lana Kane and their crew of acid-tongued misfits onboard the M/V Seamus salvage ship. An important question arises as they explore deep space and try to outsmart giant aliens, intergalactic pirates and vicious bounty hunters: how do they survive each other? Welcome to the space-tastic world of Archer: 1999.
The series features the voices of H. Jon Benjamin as the hard-drinking Captain, โSterling Archer;โ Aisha Tyler as Archerโs Co-Captain and short-tempered ex-wife, โLana Kane;โ Jessica Walter as Archerโs mother and ball of energy, โMalory Archer;โ Judy Greer as the eagle-eye fighter pilot, โCheryl/Carol Tunt;โ Chris Parnell as the attention-seeking First Mate, โCyril Figgis;โ Amber Nash as the crewโs rock monster muscle, โPam Poovey;โ Adam Reed as the out-of-place-in-space courtesan, โRay Gillette;โ and Lucky Yates as the synthetic human with questionable morals, โAlgernop Krieger.โ