The Black Eyed Peas hit Comic-con with their own book!

While running around the San Diego Comic-con, we were approached by Marvel Comics and The Black Eyed Peas about stopping by their room to discuss something they were excited about.

Masters Of the Sun mixes L.A. Gang culture, B-Boy-ism and Egyptology to tell the heroic tale of a Hip-Hop group from East L.A. who must battle an ancient, alien God sent to earth to continue a Black Curse–which turns drug dealers and gangsters into zombies! With a deep love of the Hip-Hop culture, Zulu-X and his crew go head-to-head with a nefarious ancient order that has infiltrated the inner cities to settle an ancient score. What happens next can only be described as the perfect blend of action, ancient wisdom and street-smarts all rolled into one epic adventure. Boasting one of the most eclectic ensemble cast of characters, Masters of the Sun delivers a powerful social allegory in the form of a new movement.

This new novel not only begins a new comic book base of fans, but it merges the worlds as it inspires BEP’s next album and the new marketing levels they’re exploding onto Marvel and comic book executives. To prove the point, Marvel suggested only a couple thousand run of the book to “test out the waters”, but the peas went full-force and ran out ten thousand, and then proceeded to sell out in record time.

We talk to, Taboo and Apl.De.Ap about:

  • New graphic novel Masters of the Sun
  • Where the idea came from and how it got to Marvel Comics.
  • Their interest in comics and toys.
  • The story line from the book.

Watch our interview with The Black Eyed Peas.

Video Credit: Michael Keene


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A national reporter and film critic that lives to promote Film, TV, Tech and food!

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