Collette Review: Sing 2
Good sequels are hard to come by. So how does Sing 2 compare to the first?
Buster Moon (Matthew McConaughey) and his talented performers are looking to expand their show. In an attempt to gain the attention of Mr. Crystal (Bobby Cannavale) Buster, created a little lie with big implications. They have to create a show like no other and get the esteemed rock star Clay Calloway to join their group.
As sequels go, Sing 2 is a winner. The comedy is solid while also telling a compelling story—the star-studded cast returns with a few surprises, including U2frontman Bono.
While this movie is geared toward children, there is plenty for adults to enjoy. In fact, there are more “adult” jokes in this film than the last. Also, the movie is filled with top 40 chart-topping hits re-imagined with stellar vocals. I can honestly say this film had my whole family entertained. When it ended, my niece begged to watch it again.
Sing 2 is an animated film that the whole family can enjoy. It deals with issues in a kid-friendly way while also entertaining the adults. There were a few scenes that dragged, but nothing that ruined the pace of the movie. You’ll laugh, cry, and sing along to the catchy tunes. If you are still feeling uneasy about taking your little one to a theater, no worries, the movie is now available to rent for $24.99 on all VOD services.
Review: Sing 2
Review Nation Score
Sing 2 is an animated film that the whole family can enjoy. It deals with issues in a kid-friendly way while also entertaining the adults. There were a few scenes that dragged, but nothing that ruined the pace of the movie. You'll laugh, cry, and sing along to the catchy tunes.