
Spider-Man and Marvel dunzo?

Rumbling are being heard from both camps that Marvel and Sony Pictures (Which currently owns the rights to the Spider-man franchise) are not looking to move forward with the cross-universe story lines anymore. From what we here on the web, the profit-sharing structure is the crux of the issue. Kevin Feige and Marvel feeling that they deserve a better piece of Gross and Merchandising from how they wrapped Spider-man into many pot points and character development. Sony though, is just coming off a billion dollars from Spider-man: Far From Home and is already planning another Venom film. So handing over a bigger piece of the pie for some sure things that don’t necessarily need to leave the Spiderverse, has given execs pause.

If this comes to pass, Marvel will step away from the web-slinger and Sony will step back from Marvel and its President Kevin Feige, who was recently Executive Producer on both Spider-Man: Homecoming and Far From Home, but perhaps not the third Spidey release.

The question is, after the initial push from The Avengers cross-overs, the Thanos story and the Tony Stark father-figure arc, does Spider-man need Marvel anymore? Were Nick Fury and other Marvel characters really that integral to the Far From Home story-line? A huge loss would be whatever would have to be written with Happy (Jon Favreau) no longer in the universe and available to date Aunt May ( Marisa Tomei).

Stay tuned and cross your fingers as Stan Lee’s kids fight it out.

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A national reporter and film critic that lives to promote Film, TV, Tech and food!

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