
Review: Zack Snyder’s Justice League (Spoiler-Free…mostly)

zack snyders justice league poster
Courtesy of HBO Max

Let’s talk about the cut and why it should have been called The Snyder Omnibus. This is not just Zack Snyder’s vision, but his opera. Separated into several parts and an epilogue that contain depth of characters and the narrative and possible promise of more to come.

First things first, this is the same plot as the original Justice League film, just more of, well, everything. We take time unveiling heroes and character, with storylines and pedestals being raised.

Beginning with Aquaman, we see more story and an understanding of his reclusivity. He is still a hero of sorts, but we get a reverance from the people around him. This actually holds true for most of the characters in this vision. A true sense of gods walking among us.

Moving to Cyborg, we understand not only the accident that destroyed and rebuilt this young man, but the person inside the tech. The backstory comic book and animated fans already knew, but was missing from live-action. We also take time to understand his connection to the Mother Box and the world of technology.

Wonder Woman’s world is expanded, as well as her role as storyteller and recounting of history. This is where we see the Gods of old as they fought the titan known as Darkseid. A malevolent being that wants absolute power and will burn the world to get it. These scenes are very fun and mash up the ideas of Gods, Super Heroes and a feel of Snyder’s 300 warriors, plus more.

zack snyders justice league ben affleck gal wonder woman batman
Courtesy of HBO Max

Flash is also fleshed out in this film, with a cameo by a certain young lady named Iris West. (Foreshadowing and opening a door for the upcoming Flash film.) We get more of a sneak peek into the “Speed Force” and its movement in relation to time too.

I could break down much more things, like how Snyder has made the character’s more connected to events and synced up the timelines between the heroes. Or even the new sense of duty and justice as the team comes together. Or how Snyder has created sweeping cinematic scenes with almost music video-type vibes for the characters and certain scenes. But I’ll just focus on the review and thoughts from here on, you’ll have 4 hours to get all the story you want.

And 4 hours is the marathon you’ll face. Die-hard fans will devour the film in one stting at home, others will have to break it up, perhaps by days. Luckily having separate parts allows for returning to the journey at whatever pace fits you best.

zack snyders justice league steppenwolf
Courtesy of HBO Max

Overall themes and the feeling of this epic needs to be addressed as well. This film is not an upbeat Marvel movie, there is a darkness and a weeping nature that lets you know that this is a reality that has been unsettled and will always be wary of tomorrow. Another point of note, is that this film is much more violent that you might expect. This is a war and Snyder does not shy away from that fact, even our heroes get their hands dirty. This does not make them evil, but probably more pragmatic. A darker world requires darker gods.

The last thing I’ll note is the avoidance of all things “Whedon”, as in Joss Whedon, the previous Director and visionary of the previous Justice League film and cut. It’s plain to see that we have departed not only certain cuts and scenes, but character developments and personality traits. No longer do we have a funny or cute remark. Instead we let scenes simmer and rest on the moment that echoes who the character is. We are also stepping back from overly flashy tag lines and all things that this darker reality is not. Not to say these things don’t work in the Marvel universe, but they simply don’t belong in a Snyder DC universe and must be expunged and amputated.

zack snyders justice league heros
Courtesy of HBO Max

My review of Justice League is simple. It’s Snyder’s perfect vision and when an artist creates freely, you get to experience an unbound form of art. Whether you’re a fan or not, you’ll have to admit that this is his opera and he has taken his time with every character, stanza and note. And while this 4 hour monstrosity seems long for a film, you need to realign your definition and see it as creation machine. Of the DC universe, as an answer to Avengers films and as a path to a Snyder universe that could have been, or perhaps, may still come. The question isn’t whether this film will fulfill you, but rather, will it open the gates of possibility and promise too much.

RN review of Zack Snyder's Justice League



A film that over-delivers in all categories, but is this gluttony promising too much?

User Rating: 3.55 ( 2 votes)
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A national reporter and film critic that lives to promote Film, TV, Tech and food!

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