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Review: What If…?

Courtesy of Disney

What would happen if your favorite Marvel characters found themselves on different paths. That is precisely what Marvel’s newest Disney plus show, What If…? asks. 

Now, this newest Marvel series is animated. While an animated series may not be some people’s cup of tea, I’m here to say give it a try. What If is beautifully animated in an almost comic book-like style. And after a while, you forget it’s a cartoon. Also, one of the greatest perks of animation is the amount of action and scenery we get. This show can tackle things that live-action simply can’t. 

Courtesy of Disney

The first episode kicks the show into high gear and explains how the multiverse works. In it, we get to see what would have happened if Steve Rogers didn’t take the super-soldier serum and Peggy Carter did. That is the basis of this series and the multiverse as a whole. 

Courtesy of Disney

Some of the dialogue is a bit kid-like, but I think it adds to the charms of the series. Is it required viewing for the MCU? I would say, not really. Yes, it explains the multiverse, and you get to see it in action, but these are just side stories that may not feed into future films. 

Courtesy of Disney

It is a fun and entertaining ride. Fans will love seeing the different scenarios and enjoy the perk of hearing some of the original heroes reprising their characters. What if…? is family-friendly and is another excellent series to hit the streaming service. 

Review: What If...?


Review Nation Score

This animated deep-dive into the multiverse is fun and entertaining. The Dialogue is a little campy, and I would say not up to MCU standards, but this is meant for kids to enjoy. The animation is gorgeous and makes you feel like you are on the comic book pages.

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