Review: Triangle Of Sadness
The overall winner at the 2022 Cannes Film Festival, ‘Triangle Of Sadness’ won the Palme D’Or while bringing a lot of laughs to a socially aware Comedy, and losing one of the stars that brought the film to the big screen.
Charlbi Dean, who plays the beautiful model and influencer ‘Yaya’, passed away mere weeks before ‘Triangle’ hit theaters, adding a sad finishing chapter to a hilarious look at wealth inequality and power dynamics with the Super Rich.
The Plot – Triangle Of Sadness
Male Modeling
Not since Zoolander came out 21 years ago, has the world of male modeling faced such a hilarious take down at the hands of filmmakers in ‘Triangle Of Sadness’.
‘The King’s Man’s Harris Dickinson stars as successful and superficial male model ‘Carl’. Carl’s successes over the years are many, and his latest modeling job promises even more exposure and money, even as the clock starts to tick on his career in this youth-obsessed business.
Carl’s girlfriend Yaya, also a successful model and influencer, makes more money than he does. Modeling might be one of the few industries where women make more money than men, but that hasn’t changed her expectations of the man she chooses to date.
There are just some things that Yaya expects men to pay for on dates, no matter how often she agrees to pick up the check. Not helping matters, is Carl’s awareness that Yaya makes significantly more money than he does, and seemingly purposeful ignorance of the check when it arrives.
After kissing and making up, Yaya and Carl head out for a luxury cruise populated entirely by other High Net Wealth, Super Rich, people of their own. Soon, Yaya and Carl meet Russian Oligarch Dmitry, played by Zlatko Buric, and his wife Vera, played by Sunnyi Melles, and a whole host of quirky rich people.
Working on the cruise ship are Paula, in charge of keeping the customers happy, played by Vicki Berlin; Abigail, in charge of keeping the ship clean, played by Dolly De Leon; and the ship’s captain, played by Woody Harrelson.
The staff scrubs every floor, cooks every meal, and even hangs out with the One Percenters, placating every desire and whim to keep their passengers happy.
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The Good – Triangle Of Sadness
The European Perspective
Triangle Of Sadness marks Director Ruben Ostlund’s first English Language film, and brings a distinctly European feel and perspective to this film all about wealth inequality and class struggle.
Had this film been made by an American, the working class characters would have been characterized more empathetically, and the wealthy class characters more judgmentally. The workers, most likely, shown to have little to no agency, and forced to suffer indignities due to the financial problems.
With this more European world view, we see the workers choosing to go along with their wealthy clients’ requests, even if that ‘choice’ is made under duress. You can feel the choices made are their own, even if begrudgingly.
Triangle Of Sadness October #1 Movie
The wealthy people’s portrayal also differs from an American perspective. In an American film, the rich people’s whims would most assuredly have a cruel, demeaning, or condescending view towards the workers; and possibly abusive to boot. The more European point of view in Triangle shows the rich people as detached and willful, but not purposefully obtuse or abusive.
The trailer shows Vera, literally commanding Alicia, played by Alicia Eriksson, to climb into the hot tub with her. Vera simply wants Alicia to join her in a pleasurable dip in the tub, but doesn’t seem to ‘get it’ as to how much she’s imposing herself on Alicia.
When Alicia climbs into the hot tub, fully clothed, Vera celebrate. Her celebration isn’t one of malice or power struggle, she legitimately feels Alicia is enjoying the experience. The American version of this film would’ve had the wealthy American smirking with victory and knowingly enjoying putting Alicia into an uncomfortable experience.
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The Twists
The entirety of Triangle explores not just wealth, but power inequality; and the different ways that inequality depending on the circumstances the people are in.
Yes, people who have more money have more power. But, we also see beauty, popularity, and even valuable skills being used for one person to wield power over another.
The twists on those themes in Triangle keep changing as the movie goes on. And, it keeps the audience guessing as to whom has power, and when. And most importantly, we see the different ways people use their power, as well.
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The Bad – Triangle Of Sadness
The total run time for Triangle Of Sadness comes in three minutes short of two and a half hours. The runtime avoids being bad in and of itself. But, given the nature of the story, size of the cast, and fact of being a Comedy, the film drags 20-25 minutes too long.
The film feels like it’s wrapped up at the end of the second act. But, the slow pacing in the last 45 minutes of the film leaves the viewer nodding off at times. And, Triangle largely resets into yet another power-based scenario.
This last scenario does add a wholly new perspective on power dynamics. But, after the energy of the film peaks 90+ minutes into the film, the third act goes on for far too long. The last 45 minutes of the film could’ve easily come in half the time. There would’ve been just as much impact, and the story had been told more efficiently.
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The Review – Triangle Of Sadness
Swedish Director Ruben Ostlund’s first English language film doesn’t lose much in translation.
Although most of the cast are not native English speakers, their ability to use English as a Common language impresses. Given the true multi-national nature of the cast, I expected more of a language barrier.
While Triangle avoids awkward ‘Broken English’ moments, there is a slightly imprecise language barrier. It does keep the film from being as time-efficient as it could be.
The Eurocentric point of view for Triangle gives the film a more fun and honest look at the conversations about wealth, power, and status. This film could’ve easily turned into a preachy, eye-rolling experience. But, Triangle avoids casting the working class as constantly put upon with little to no agency.
Triangle Of Sadness Instant Movie Review
But, the more European feel Ostlund brings keeps the tone light and fun. And, it avoids venturing into a preachy, bleeding heart mess it might have otherwise become.
Woody Harrelson is the only prominent American actor in this film. Even though his short appearance is little more than a cameo, it makes an impact. Most of the rest of this cast, aside from Harris Dickinson, were complete unknowns to Dragon Movie Guy. But, all cast actors impressed and were well cast.
The wealth and power inequality discussions could’ve easily been too boring, or too serious. But, Ostlund keeps the tone fun and light. He gives the working class cruise ship staff agency over their own actions. Even if that agency comes begrudgingly at times.
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I can see how Triangle Of Sadness won the Palme D’Or prize at Cannes. Even as the title ‘Triangle Of Sadness’ gets directly addressed in the film, it doesn’t get beat over your head or run into the ground.
The whole film flows nicely, with the Comedy peaking in the second act. But, the film would’ve been served better coming in 20-25 minutes shorter, given the slow pace of the third act.
A solid movie absolutely worth watching, and one I enjoyed watching on the big screen. But, given the fact I was the ONLY person in the theater on a Saturday night, I’d say watching Triangle in theaters isn’t really required to enjoy this film.
You can easily wait for streaming or Blu-Ray to enjoy this film as well as in theaters.
Triangle Of Sadness IMDb Page
Triangle Of Sadness Wikipedia Page
Review Nation Score
Palme D'Or Winner at Cannes 2022, Triangle Of Sadness is Director Ruben Ostlund's Comedy on wealth inequality of the super rich on a luxury cruise.