Review: Onward
Pixar’s new adventure enters a world where elves, dragons, manticores and more all live regular boring lives. Some go to school, others go to jobs they dislike. And the history of what was, and the magic that used to run wild have all been forgotten.
Ian Lightfoot (Voiced by Tom Holland) is a regular boy highschooler, wanting to be cooler and more liked, but awkwardness rules his every breath. His older brother Barely Lightfoot (Voiced by Chris Pratt) doesn’t worry about such things, because he lives in the world with an overlay of fantasy upon it. Verily riding his beaten-up van, dubbed Guinevere to every adventure his mind can create.
As Ian’s reaches his 16th Birthday, his mind is racing with thoughts of a party, a cute girl he likes, getting his drivers license and the looming empty space that has been missing most of his life. His father.
Living on photos and recording of his fathers voice, Ian falls back on wishing for guidance from a man he never really knew. Seeing this, his mother Laurel (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) decided it was time for a gift to be given to her boys. A special gift from their father that might just let them reconnect. Thus, an adventure begins and the brothers take off in hopes of destiny and magical fortune.
While a simple story, this film has some high and low points. First I have to mention the superb graphic design from Pixar, ever so often I take a step back to view the quality of their visuals and they are astounding. As for the story, it is fun and somewhat of a mirror in emotion to the film Frozen. Instead of Sisterly love and strength, we get brotherly bonding.
Some critics are not fans, which is fine. I had a good time and encourage families and kids over 7 to see it. Some of the tones are a bit somber, but Chris Pratt’s bounding voice is always there to add a spark of fun when needed. And I’ll admit, it’s not on my Top Pixar films list, but its good enough for a watch and a better choice than most films in the theater right now.
Grade: B-
Running Time: 1h 42m
MPAA Rating: PG
RN review of Onward
Not on my Top Pixar Films list, but its good enough for a watch and a better choice than most films in the theater right now.