Review: Midway
What have all navel war movies in the past been missing, if you said new CGI graphics and a Jonas brother, you would be right, and also wrong. From the Director of Independence Day and 2012 comes Midway.
The film begins by showing some backstory and explanation on what could make Japan declare war on the United States. From there we meet our ace pilots, mouthy seamen and gristled commanders.
First focusing on Dick Best (Ed Skrein), a pilot with talent and resolve, but a personality that rubs many the wrong way. Part of the team, but also set apart, he wants what’s “Best” for the Navy and the fighter in the air. On land we meet Edwin Layton (Patrick Wilson), an analyst that knows the Japanese and fights to have his voice heard when it matters. Also joining these two are Luke Evans as Enterprise Flight Commander Wade McClusky, Woody Harrelson as Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, Tadanobu Asano as Japanese Commander Tamon Yamaguchi, Mandy Moore as Ann Best, Aaron Eckhart as Jimmy Doolittle and Nick Jonas as Bruno Gaido.
Waiting for the inevitable attack on Pearl Harbor, we now see new historical figures and their reactions during and after the incident. Taking place on the ground or on the sea, as opposed to the President’s Oval Office.
Brought into this war, America shows its fighting nature as the underdog that should have been left alone. The loss of Pearl Harbor would not be the end of this battle, but merely the rise to arms. Midway was more than a turning point, it was a stamp of defiance that those that tread on the Navy, drown in sorrow.
This movie isn’t really about the story, though I can’t really refute the factual nature of the film. The Characters, visuals and information all feel accurate and in-time. The issue is that the option for a layered story was left back at dry dock. We meet characters and get interesting information, but connections are fleeting with little time before we jump to another side-story or character. Be that as it may, this is still a fun film to watch if you’re a war junkie that enjoys history, CGI firefights and the military doing what it does best.
Grade: C+
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 2h 18m
Movie Review
RN review of Midway
Exciting war-time action film that is a bit light on story.