The first season of the animated TV show, Drifting Dragons, was released a few weeks ago by Netflix, about the lives, adventures, and stories of the crew of the draking ship, the Queen Zaza. The first season has 12 episodes, and it’s an interesting mixture of steam punk, Moby Dick, & gourmet cooking.
The show’s concept is very interesting. They grabbed a group of dragon slayers, turned their profession into something closely resembling Moby Dick-style whalers, thrust them to the skies with steampunk tech, and then gave the audience a tutorial on cooking delicacies with dragon meat. It is very weird, but it works, and it’s fun to watch.
Listen to my full review here!
Overall, the show is an enjoyable watch and a fun way to spend a few hours. It’s greatest strength is it’s strong cast of interesting characters, working an interesting profession, in a well thought out world that feels real and alive. The constant switch between action sequences, funny character development moments, and mouth watering cooking tutorials, makes for a bizarre, yet compelling mix. The biggest knock I’d give the show is that it lacks an overarching story. But following the adventures of a ragtag group of weirdos trying to make a living in a dangerous profession certainly makes for that.
TV Season Review
RN Review of Drifting Dragons - Season 1
Overall, the show is an enjoyable watch and a fun way to spend a few hours. It's greatest strength is it's strong cast of interesting characters, working an interesting profession, in a well thought out world that feels real and alive. The constant switch between action sequences, funny character development moments, and mouth watering cooking tutorials, makes for a bizarre, yet compelling mix. The biggest knock I'd give the show is that it lacks an overarching story. But following the adventures of a ragtag group of weirdos trying to make a living in a dangerous profession certainly makes for that.