Review: Benny Loves You

Benny Loves You is a British horror/dark comedy film debut from Karl Holt.  Holt stars in, co-produced, wrote, and directed the film. While not quite on par with beloved British horror-comedies Shaun of the Dead or Hot Fuzz,  Benny Loves You is an entertaining and fun contribution to the genre.

Benny Loves You opens with a humorously dark opening sequence featuring an entitled child, a frustrated Mom, and a discarded teddy bear. While largely irrelevant to the overall plot, the scene does a great job at setting the movie’s tone.

Benny Loves You |Courtesy of Darkline Entertainment

After that, we meet Jack (Karl Holt). Jack is a man-child still living with his doting parents, who are throwing him a 35th birthday party. Some unfortunate circumstances at the well-intentioned party result in the gruesome accidental deaths of his parents. Jack is forced with the fact that to truly move on with his life…he must do some serious “adulting”.

Jack is struggling at his job as a toy designer, which is interfering with his new responsibility to pay the mortgage on his beloved family home. He buys a new suit, lists the home for sale, starts listening to self-motivational material, and packs up all his childish belongings….including the titular Benny.

Benny Loves You| Courtesy of Darkline Entertainment

Benny is a custom-made Elmo-ish looking toy that was given to Jack by his Mother as a guardian angel figure. Young Jack was scared of demons lurking in the dark hallways outside his bedroom. If Benny were present, Jack could come to no harm. Well, flash forward and plenty of other people can, and do, in Benny Loves You.

After discarding Benny, Jack soon realizes that the toy has not only come back but is hellbent on brutally murdering anyone who Jack is a) harassed by or b) too fond of.  Benny Loves You is indeed very gory, but the effects are so unbelievable and over the top that I found the gore to be more amusing than disturbing, which is fitting for a horror-comedy.

Of course, the film begs the question of whether Benny is truly the antagonist, or if Jack’s wounded and immature psyche is more to blame. Jack does indeed enable Benny through much of the movie. Despite this, the nostalgic and relatable pull of the connection to a cherished childhood item is explored just enough to allow the audience to accept Jack’s confliction.

Benny Loves You| Courtesy of Darkline Entertainment

Benny is a fun horror icon, but also very much a one-trick pony. The schtick works well but gets a bit old by the end of the film.  I would have liked to hear more dialogue or seen any sort of change in facial expression à la Chucky. Although Benny’s “ta-da” catchphrase remains amusing throughout. As does Jack’s insufferable coworker’s insistence that his name, Richard, be pronounced “Ree-shard”. There are some genuinely funny moments in Benny Loves You.

Benny Loves You| Courtesy of Darkline Entertainment

Now, I need to point out a ‘funny’ thread that will NOT resonate with all viewers. There is, in my opinion, a bit about a dead pet that goes on for far too long.  It is ridiculous to the point of almost being acceptable, but if you are like me and are more okay with fictional human murders than animal murders, please watch this with caution.

The plot needs the audience to suspend a lot disbelief. Beyond even the fact that the film centers around a murderous children’s toy. There are some plot points that remain completely either unresolved or unnecessary. The ending was also a tad too convenient for my taste.

Benny Loves You| Courtesy of Darkline Entertainment

Overall, Benny Loves You is a very campy, guilty pleasure of a film. This has cult status written all over it, in a good way. Benny is one-dimensional villain, but nails that one dimension to a tee. It may be a horror film based on the death and gore alone….but it is never actually scary or truly disturbing. Check your disbelief at the door and be prepared to laugh in shock.



RN review of Benny Loves You

Overall, Benny Loves You is a very campy, guilty pleasure of a film. This has cult status written all over it, in a good way. Benny is one-dimensional villain, but nails that one dimension to a tee. It may be a horror film based on the death and gore alone….but it is never actually scary or truly disturbing. Check your disbelief at the door and be prepared to laugh in shock.

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Lori Kirby

Lover of any and all things spooky and haunted. Huge musical theater/karaoke nerd as well. My fam is a lovely combo of all. Bless them!

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