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Rainbow Six: Ember Rise releases

Courtesy of Ubisoft

In Operation Ember Rise, players will meet two new Operators:

Courtesy of Ubisoft

Additionally, Operation Ember Rise includes a complete map rework of Kanal, significantly altering the core gameplay experience with an emphasis on easier rotations. A new bridge has been added to create an alternative path to the objective areas. Additionally, a staircase has been added in both buildings to make vertical movement more accessible and indoor playable areas have been added or extended. Finally, bomb sites have changed: The bomb on Kitchen has been moved to the Security Room, with a brand new doorway connecting it to the Map Room. The site in the Radio Room is now found in the expanded Lounge Room, across the hall from the usual Coast Guard site. Radar and Server remain unchanged, though these areas have been reorganized. Finally, a new pair of sites has been put in. At last, Bomb can be played on Supply Room and Kayak, although the area just outside has been turned into an indoors Diving Room.

Courtesy of Ubisoft

Additional Operation Ember Rise updates include the following:

Finally, new skins have also been added: The Mira Elite skin is an homage to her grandmother’s service in hard times, and the Eternal Wind and Eternal Sun weapon skins are inspired by the Aztecs and Inca respectively.

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