Jonathan Majors opens up about Magazine Dreams, His personal fandom letter & muscles growth
Chatting with Jonathan Majors about his film Magazine Dreams, which we first talked about at Sundance 2023. He delves into the character and all the facets of a mind so engaged with his own focused wants. He talks about Killian and the mindset of someone that has a child-like understanding of things occuring in his life.
We also chatted about Jonathan’s own personal fandom. In the film Killian writes numerous letters to a hero, so we asked Majors about any letter writing he might have done. Last we chatted about muscle growth and his own personal roadblocks with genetics and bodybuilding focus points.
Magazine Dreams trailer
Story: Magazine Dreams follows aspiring bodybuilder Killian Maddox (Majors), who struggles to find human connection in this exploration of celebrity and violence. Nothing deters him from his fiercely protected dream of superstardom, not even the doctors who warn him of the permanent damage he causes to himself with his quest.