Jeffrey Donovan talks new show Shut Eye as we dazzle him with Magic!


We brought our own magician to a Satellite interview with Jeffrey Donovan for his new show Shut Eye! Magician Dallas Fueston dazzles Jeffrey live at the Fresh Wata studios as we talk about the new hit Hulu show.

The full interview is below, some of the questions we ask:

  • Where did you first run into Magic or Fortune Telling?
  • Tell us about your Show. Your character Charlie?
  • What does the term Shut Eye mean?
  • Have you ever had your fortune read?
  • Tell us about Soldado, the upcoming sequel to Sicario.
  • and many more.

Shut Eye is out now on Hulu!
More information Here

Interview with Jeffrey Donovan

Shut Eye Trailer

Special thanks to Fresh Wata Studios & Magician Dallas Fueston.

Video Credit: Daniel Santoy



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I've met Presidents, dined with kings, flown a stunt plane, raced on-road and off, interviewed the stars, read the book, bought the comic, played the game and kissed the girl. I also like nachos. #CoffeeIsForClosers

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