Review: Spider-man – Homecoming (2017)
The best Spider-man yet!
By Derek Sante
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Spider-man once again cleans up the streets of Queens, thanks to a layup from the lovely people and Marvel, Captain America Civil War and Iron Man himself, Robert Downey Jr.
Spider-man gets a much younger and likable Peter Parker thanks to actor Tom Holland. As anyone who saw Captain America Civil War knows, the kid is likeable, funny and acrobatic with a sweet side that gets grandmas ready to pinch cheeks. For me and many people, he is the reason that Captain America wasn’t a total anger-fest. His youth and humor really helped to cut up the serious nature of the film.
Luckily for us, those same qualities show up in Spiderman: Homecoming. Everything begins with this new Spider-man’s story as it began in Captain America, then quickly veers into Peter Parker’s own little world. Though, we quickly learn that this world has a questionable god overseeing it and that god’s name is Tony Stark. Which is ok, especially since this time around, Spider-man owes a lot of his style to the man of iron and his tastes in tech wearables.
After fighting in the big leagues though, Spidey finds it hard to muddle through the lower ranks of purse snatchers and bike thieves. Longing for a real fight, He soon uncovers a ring of high-tech thieves and their flying bird-of-prey ringleader. After many attempts to either stop the bandits or get Iron Man involved, Spider-man soon realizes that a villain this close to home needs to be dealt with, one way or another.
Marvel tie-ins aside, this could be my favorite Spider-man. Not just the new series of films, but Tom Holland. He is the young Peter Parker I want to grow into an older Peter Parker. Sony has really stepped up its game thanks to Marvel and I couldn’t be happier. Go watch Spider-man and tell me he can’t do whatever a spider can.
Grade: A
Running time: 2h 13m
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Tom Holland is an amazing Spider-man! His youth and excitement came through strong.