EDC Founder Pasquale Rotella talks EdmBiz, EDC20, Life is Beautiful Festival, EDC VR & more.
(Credit: aLivecoverage)
We caught up with EDC Founder Pasquale Rotella in Las Vegas at the EDMBiz conference at Caesars Palace. Taking place just days before the launch of the Electric Daisy Carnival, this event brought together people from around the world who wanted to extend their dance empires, or possibly, find the information and drive to create their own.
Some highlights in this interview:
- Making it to EDC 20
- The Business of EDM
- New Attractions at EDC
- Virtual Reality in an dance/festival world
- Plans that Insomniac has for Life is Beautiful festival
- Being more Eco friendly & possibly creating an Eco-Festival
Interview with Pasquale Rotella
(Credit: aLivecoverage)
Video Credit: Daniel Santoy
Video provided by: dlx.phh.mybluehost.me