Disney releases new Artemis Fowl trailer & WTH! #TrailerReview
A beloved book series and character has been badly scalded by movie “Magic” and executives that want to deliver anything but the story they bought the rights to.
For anyone that has not read the Artemis Fowl book series, I recommend you pick it up. Heck, even the audio books are fun to listen too. If you delve into Mr. Fowl’s world, you’ll get a heavy dose of genius, fantasy and magical worlds. Most of which looks to have been cut away to make room for whatever this movie has become.
From first glance, some Disney executive has simply shouted “Make the film Spy Kids, with Men in Black weapons and add a bunch of elves and trolls. And if you have time, try to link it to the books, or something.”
There is a very small chance that I am wrong about this film. Then again, I wasn’t wrong about Disney’s other flops The Lone Ranger or Mars Needs Moms.
Trailer Review
Trailer Review
RN Trailer Review
Looks like they made a movie without reading the books, not a fan so far from what we've seen.