Review: Blithe Spirit

An All-Star cast, a big screen adaption of Noel Coward play, and a love-triangle that extends beyond the grave.  Blithe Spirit checks many boxes for the re-make of David Lean’s 1945 hit.

But, the question remains, can this film resurrect the success of the originalย play and movie as well as Elvira is resurrected in the film?

Courtesy: Blithe Spirit/IFC Films/Dan Stevens as Charles Condomine

The Plot – Blithe Spirit

Charles Condomine is a successful novelist and screenwriter, but finds himself at an impasse.  Charles, played by Beauty and the Beast star Dan Stevens, suffers from writer’s block, desperately staring at his dead first wife’s picture for inspiration.

Tasked with writing a screenplay adaptation to his hit novel, Charles tests the patience of his second wife, Ruth.ย  The couple struggle through a rough patch as Ruth, played by Isla Fisher, must compete for her husband’s affections with his dead first wife, Elvira.

Courtesy: Blithe Spirit/IFC Films/Spiritualist Madame Arcati

To clear the air, the Condomines spend an evening at the theater, watching spiritualist Madame Arcati.  However on this night, Arcati, played by Dame Judi Dench, literally falls flat on her face.

On a lark, Charles hires Madame Arcati to perform a seance for them and their friends.ย  Arcati tries so hard to summon a spirit, she collapses on the ground, seemingly to no avail.

Courtesy: Blithe Spirit/IFC Films/Dame Judi Dench as Madame Arcati performs seance

Later that night and unable to sleep, Charles wanders his mansion during a storm.ย  The doors blow open, and slowly Elvira’s spirit materializes in front of his very eyes.ย  And Elvira, played by Knocked Up star Leslie Mann, questions Charles about what he did to their home.

Courtesy: IFC Films/Charles Shocked To See His First Wife, Elvira

The Good

Set during 1937, Blithe Spirit channels the fashion, pop culture, and comedic style of the era.

Elvira’s first appearance is in the expensive horse riding ensemble she wore when she died.ย  At first unaware of her own death, she quickly starts to adapt.ย  Ruth enters the room, unable to see or hear Elvira, but she is able to see a floating tube of lipstick draw horns on a painting of her.ย  Let the love triangle begin!

Courtesy: IFC Films/Leslie Mann as Elvira Returns From The Great Beyond

Charles still has feelings for Elvira.  Ruth fears losing Charles’ affections to her dead predecessor.  Charles cares for Ruth, but has greater creative chemistry with Elvira.  In fact, his connection with Elvira is so strong, he can hold hands with her disembodied spirit.  A supernatural love triangle, indeed.

Ruth contacts Madame Arcati for help, but to no avail.ย  The spiritualist does not know how she conjured Elvira, nor how to send her back to the afterlife.ย  86 year old Dame Judi Dench still captivates the big screen and gives a funny yet subtle performance as the embattled performer.

Courtesy: Blithe Spirit/IFC Films/Dame Judi Dench as Madame Arcarti

Originally played by screen legend Rex Harrison, Charles now comes to life with Dan Stevens.ย  Selfish, shortsighted, and nearly a complete fraud, Charles bumbles his way through the film, hoping to have the best of both worlds, but slowly loses his grasp on his high class life.ย  Even after Elvira completes Charles’ screenplay almost single handedly, he still tells Ruth that he’s working on it.ย  Sleazy, yet funny.

Courtesy: IFC Films/Isla Fisher as Ruth

The Bad

Having not seen the Blithe Spirit play or original movie, I’m judging my review based off of the current film alone.  That being said, this film has a very distinct feel of a stage production, and the comedic timing of the 30’s and 40’s.

While not inherently bad, these seem slightly out of place with the colorful costumes and real world shooting locations.ย  The incongruity between the two takes away from the cleverness of the script and the feel of back and forth you see on the stage.

Courtesy: Blithe Spirit/IFC Films/Elvira Back From The Dead

Also, the character motivations seem a bit off to me.ย  The internal logical consistency just doesn’t ring true.ย  Would Charles turn on Elvira when she’s his muse/inspiration for writing, just to save his marriage to Ruth?ย  And, would Elvira really turn on Charles that quickly?

Courtesy: Blithe Spirit/IFC Films/Ruth Frustrated With Charles

The Review – Blithe Spirit

Overall, Blithe Spirit is a bit flat.  It lacks the fun that I would expect from an All Star cast, and all the effort put into shooting on location, while re-making a classic play/movie.

Far from bad, but far from good.ย  This film lacks a defined sense of tone and comedic timing.ย  It takes too long to establish the comedic tone off the top, and could’ve handled the seance and Madame Arcati scenes in a less serious tone.

Courtesy: Blithe Spirit/IFC Films/Elvira Turns On Charles

Not awful, but not recommended, either.ย  Only watch if you’re a fan of the original, or have 99 minutes to kill.

Courtesy: IFC Films



Review Nation Score

Blithe Spirit stars Dan Stevens, Isla Fisher, Leslie Mann, and Dame Judi Dench in this Supernatural Love Triangle.

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Dragon Movie Guy

I am a life long Movie, TV, Pop Culture, and Sports fan! I worked at a Movie Theater for seven years through High School AND College. I worked as a Journalist for 18 years in TV News. Now, I am a Film Critic doing movie reviews on my YouTube Channel, Dragon Movie Guy; and here on Please feel free to reach out on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and here on Review Nation. I'd love to hear from you! -Dragon Movie Guy

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