Cody Griffin
I like movies. I like to think I can talk about movies. You may think otherwise. One of us is right. I think it may be you. -
Collette Garber
Incredibly awkward. Fantastically sarcastic, and very, very small. Lover of movies, musicals, & TV. -
Dario Gonzalez
The producer and editor of "The Show's Podcast Network," and member of Rock 105.3's morning show "The Show." Darío is also the creator and host of the podcast "Super Dario World," where he covers everything entertainment. TV shows, movies, science news, geek topics, video games, books, etc. Basically, anything that crosses Darío's mind that day will be discussed and debated. -
Lori Kirby
Lover of any and all things spooky and haunted. Huge musical theater/karaoke nerd as well. My fam is a lovely combo of all. Bless them!