Review: The Batman – “Creepy, mysterious, and magnificent.”
Batman has been done more than enough times. Every director has their own spin, and each actor that puts on the iconic cowl brings new light to the Dark Knight. So, how did this caped crusader adaptation fair?
Director Matt Reeves took an iconic comic book character and made a beautifully gritty noir film. The Batman ditches the kitschy villains and superhuman aspects of previous films. Instead, it’s a dark crime thriller that will have you on the edge of your seat.
This version of Bruce Wayne (Robert Pattinson) is also unlike any other we’ve seen. He’s not a pompous billionaire nor a scorned superhero. He’s simply a man of vengeance. His sole purpose is to hunt down those who choose to bring harm to others while helping Lieutenant Gordon (Jeffrey Wright) put puzzle pieces together and solve crimes in Gotham. Pattinson also brings a vulnerability to the character that shows he’s just a man in a suit and can bleed like anyone else. Pattinson humanizes the character in a way that hasn’t been seen before, and he does a magnificent job doing it.
DC Comics has had some pretty quirky villains throughout the years. Instead, Reeves chooses to ditch the over-the-top aspect and bring a truly terrifying realism to a character near and dear to our hearts… The Riddler.
Paul Dano takes on the infamous role and is easily one of the best big-screen villains in a “comic book” movie. His chilling performance will leave your mouth open.
Zoey Kravitz was the puurfect choice for Catwoman. She also makes this character entirely her own and doesn’t try to mirror iconic performances of the past. This cat burglar is sly and sexy in her own right.
I’m going to touch on something I feel gets slept on, the editing. William Hoy and Tyler Nelson may have some significant blockbuster credits to their names, but The Batman takes the cake. The subtle cuts that slide perfectly from scene to scene are like turning a page through a comic book. Nothing is overdone or jarring. Melding a scream into the sound of a saw is one moment in particular that stood out.
In conclusion, The Batman is creepy, mysterious, and magnificent. You’ll be on the edge of your seat the entire time. The only thing running through my mind during the whole film was, “This is perfect.” And it is perfect from the music to the acting, from the directing and the editing. Honestly, this may go down as one of the best “superhero” films of all time.
Review: The Batman
Review Nation Score
In conclusion, The Batman is creepy, mysterious, and magnificent. You’ll be on the edge of your seat the entire time. The only thing running through my mind during the whole film was, “This is perfect.” And it is from the music to the acting, from the directing and the editing. Honestly, this may go down as one of the best “superhero” films of all time.