Sundance 2021 Review: Judas and The Black Messiah – “A Powerful Political Drama.”
“I am a revolutionary.” These were Fred Hampton’s words that became a rallying call in 1969. As the Back Panther Party chairman with powerful words, the FBI saw Hampton as a threat, so they sent in an informant named William O’Neal to infiltrate the party. Judas and the Black Messiah brings you into the movement that Fred Hampton was at the helm of. It also shows the perspective of the man who wormed his way into the Black Panther’s inner circle and betrayed him.
This powerful political drama does not hold back in its storytelling, and it is a challenging story to tell and see. What Judas and the Black Messiah does is tell both sides fairly equally. That being said, the script is not what people will be buzzing about with this timely thriller.
It will be about the stunning performances from Daniel Kaluuya as Fred Hampton and LaKeith Stanfield as William O’Neal.
Kaluuya is magic on the screen. He’s mesmerizing as he fully embodies Hampton’s charisma. Kaluuya makes you understand why Hampton was so powerful and will have you hanging on his every word.
Stanfield finds a way to make you almost empathize with O’neal up until his betrayal leads to a horrifying ending. He also has many memorable little moments that make him a real stand out.
The film also has gorgeous cinematography. Each scene makes you feel like you’re right there at the rally’s. Unfortunately, where the problem lies is almost too much exposition. While Hampton’s speeches are electric, the scenes in-between feel a little too drawn out.
Judas and the Black Messiah is a rugged look at historical events. You will watch this movie and feel an intense need to stand up and right the wrongs made at this time. It does not shy away from tense situations and violence. And it’s shockingly tragic to think this all once happened.
We’re able to see how Hampton was able to inspire a movement. We also see what motivated a man to sneak into this party and tear it down on the inside. It’s beautifully shot and is filled with excellent acting. Some scenes slow down the momentum, but the horrifying ending will play on your mind hours after the credits roll.
Watch Judas and the Black Messiah in theaters and on HBO Max on February 12th.
Sundance 2021 Review: Judas and The Black Messiah
Review Nation Score
Judas and the Black Messiah is beautifully shot and filled with excellent acting. Some scenes slow down the momentum, but the horrifying ending will play on your mind hours after the credits roll.