We talk Rad 40th Anniversay with Talia Shire & Robert Schwartzman
Originally released in 1986 during the rise of the BMX bike craze, this powerful piece of pop cultural nostalgia is finally coming to disc, newly restored in 4K from its original negative by Fotokem. The film follows Cru Jones (Bill Allen), a small town kid determined to win an infamous BMX race set on a nearly impossible course known as Helltrack. A sleeper hit upon its initial release, RAD has become one of the iconic cult films of the 1980s and amongst BMX professionals, spawning fan clubs and repertory film screenings for decades.
Luckily, we had a fun time talking with Talia Shire and Robert Coppola Schwartzman about the film, it’s director, specific scenes and husband and father producer Jack Schwartzman.